Well, after a four month hiatus, I'm back, blogging away! Here's what's been going on, in my mind, as to why-or-why-not-continue-to-write-a-blog:
1. I've been a writer since I was in the 4th grade (Mrs. Cothren told me so, after my essay on "What I Did on My Summer Vacation" ended up being my first book...40 pages long!)
2. I can write my thoughts so much easier than speaking them. Just ask anyone who has had to listen to me, especially if they are one of a crowd. I was asked to present something to our church congregation...an Advent devotional .Writing it was no problem! I did it in no time flat. It was nearly impossible, however, for me to read/deliver it; I nearly choked on the first sentence. I DID manage to deliver my "speech," in a teary, high-pitched voice, but without fainting. You get the picture.
3. Writing is VERY therapeutic for me. I can write down my thoughts and feel clarity...peace...resolution.
4. So many are REALLY good at what they write: but am I? Sometimes I feel good about sharing my thoughts. Many times, though, they are really just good for me. I'm not funny...nor entertaining...nor eloquent. I'm no theologian, though my thoughts are often on spiritual matters. I'm not deep...nor am I on-the-cutting-edge of new thoughts on God or on the way-we-do-church...nor will I ever be praised by higher-ups in any field I can think of. So...to be a writer, don't I need readers? It's a dilemma in my mind.
5. So, four months ago, I just put away my keyboard and concentrated on my main roles as wife, mother, Grandmommy, friend, and doggy-mommy...and have written just snippets of my thoughts as posts on Facebook...or in my journal. It has been a good respite.. I've enjoyed my time away from my chronicling. But I'm also missing it ! A lot. So I decided to try again, just for the joy of writing. And with the goal of not comparing myself and my writings to anyone else...nor their style...nor their opinions.
6. Here it is: my thought roller-coaster blog. First since November 26, 2013. Four months to the day. It feels good to be back!