Friday, December 30, 2011

Seeing Red

It happened again:  the merging onto 640W from Broadway...and for the same reason:  that sign that says "Yield."  I often wonder what's so hard about understanding what that word means!  The little red apparently in a BIG hurry because after all the jestering and yelling were done, he roared past me in a blur and was out of sight within seconds.  Hope he got there safely! 

On down the interstate about 2 miles, I saw red again, this time in the form of an 18-wheel rig.  He had gotten himself into a lane that was running out, and I happened to be in his way in the far right lane of the three-lane highway; and I was already running slightly above the speed limit.  So, he lay down on his horn and didn't understand why I didn't immediately shift lanes to let him in.  Sorry, guy.  No room.  He did manage to merge behind me, then roared past with some ugly gestures pointed my way...must have forgotten his manners!

I wasn't going to let these two unhappy drivers ruin my day, though!  No sirree!  I had on my trusty red Born shoes, and I was on a fun shopping trip.  I went to a few of my favorite haunts and found some good stuff, not doing too much damage $$$-wise!  One sad note:  I shopped for some spring things for Barrett in the size 2-7 department, not in infants...SAD :(  He's supposed to be little for a while longer, for E-mommy to love on.

When I got home, I unboxed a new item Santa John had gotten me for Christmas:  a big, beautiful red mixer.  I have used my mother's ancient one for years and thoroughly enjoyed it.  But it was on its last legs, and I've needed a new one for a while.  I can't wait to try it out with bread dough, cake batter, etc.  It even makes ice cream and pasta!  Thank you, Santa :)

Lastly, I enjoyed a mani and pedi with my new red OPI nailpolish "Chick Flick Cherry."  Cindy brought it to me because it reminded her of her grandmother's favorite shade.  Mother was a stickler for painted nails, and red was definitely her choice of color.  Love those sweet memories.  My nails look good, even only for a minute.  I'm notorious for messing up newly painted nails.  Thanks, Cindy!

Seeing red isn't always bad!

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