Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Figuring It Out...or trying

Seems like John and I spend lots of driving time conversation trying to figure it out.  Driving does that to us; always has!  Some recent event or news item or article or observance will trigger the conversation, and before you know it, we're waxing philosophical. 

It might be a fashion item...a hairdo...a tattoo...an overheard conversation in a restaurant...someone's behavior...someone's driving blunder...an ad on tv...that gets our attention and gets the conversation started.  Invariably, as we ponder, one or the other will throw out his/her theory as to "why." 

We were listening to Fox News on Sirius recently, as we drove home from Florida.  What we love about Sirius is continuous music or talk without ads.  Fox is different.  Every other minute, an ad comes on.  And they are NOT children friendly ads, believe me.  I guess because Fox News Radio is really just the sound bites from Fox News on tv, they are obligated to fill time between spots with advertising.  It ruined it for us...we heard more ads for what used to be considered "private matters" than we could count!  Why?  Because that's what folks are interested in, I suppose.  Might just be a sign of the times?

It happens all the time.  We'll see a person completely covered with tattoos and just wonder "why?"  We'll see someone dressed completely inappropriately...say, in pajamas...at the mall and wonder why in the world they didn't bother to bathe and get dressed!  We'll overhear a young mother or father yelling at their young child, both completely out of control, and just wonder what the future holds for that child.  We'll see a news segment on riots or the occupy-movement and try to get inside those persons' heads to figure out "why."  We'll see a promo on an upcoming movie or tv show and wonder who would want to watch that!  It would give me nightmares for sure.

We don't, of course, have many answers.  It's just two persons' opinions.  We don't own the market...or have exclusive rights to what's what.  But we do care.  We don't want to see our values...or the country's collective morals...or the English language...or a decent way of life...go down the drain.  We try to be open-minded and inclusive...not overly critical or judgmental or stodgy.  It's a fine line we walk, in trying to figure "it" out and to respond appropriately.

We always seem to come to the same conclusion.  Some things that get our attention don't really matter so much.  Some do.  Some are done for attention...to make a statement...to show individuality...some show some rebellion...some are just trends...some show lack of home-training...some just plain ole bad manners...some laziness...some political views on display...some show some moral-decay...some show positivity on a different plane:  just a new way of espousing a view or belief...some show that time and society are just going too fast for two basically conservative persons who like things simpler and purer than they seem to be now.

So...I guess we'll just keep driving and keep trying to figure it out.  And hopefully, we'll display compassion rather than condemnation for the things which are different but not harmful.  For those actions which ARE harmful, may we stick to our beliefs, be strong, be tactful but bold.  May we do the right thing, have the right thoughts, in the right spirit.

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