Sunday, July 1, 2012


The child of friends is in the battle of his life.  His name is Saxon, and they are asking for God to heal this boy.  Will you join in praying that prayer? 

Saxon's dad, on their CaringBridge site, wanted their friends to know what they believe, as they go through this journey with their son.  It was so poignant, reading how a fellow-believer states the tenets of their belief system.  Very humbling.  Very strengthening.  Very basically a God-moment.

And it made me realize some things about personal beliefs.  They make us who we are.  They are the fabric of our beings, the Spirit-infused crux of our hearts and souls.  They are God-breathed and God-ordained.

I had a conversation recently with a friend whom I admire.  We probably don't agree totally on theology and style of worship.  But we both believe.  I respect his beliefs and would not want to tell him (or anyone, for that matter) what they should believe.  I might answer their questions, if asked; I would hope my life would speak loud and clear of what I believe.  I would certainly want to act and speak in a Godly fashion.  And walk the road that God would have me walk, in a way that honors Him. 

My blog is, by design, a vehicle for me to hopefully encourage folk and to point the Way...the Truth...the Life...the Light...I want my writing to be God-driven, pointing folk to the God and His Son Jesus.

But I would never tell someone how he should believe!  Plant seeds of faith?  Yes.  Be salt and light?  Hopefully.  Beat someone over the head with my Bible?  Never.  Nor would I for a moment think that I have the corner-of-the-market on how to live out my faith.  God is in the salvation business.  He is the Judge.  Not me.  I want to just quietly and humbly walk the walk, and serve Him.

I am hopeful that I, like Saxon's parents, could briefly, succinctly say what I believe.  And then live out that faith in a manner pleasing to God.  And to that still, small voice of God that sometimes whispers, sometimes shouts out to me in love and grace and mercy, as He leads and guides.  May I follow his footsteps and walk in His ways through this life, with family and friends and strangers alike.

Thank you for your prayers for sweet Saxon, 12 years old...such a great kid, such an awesome family.  May God bless them all...and heal that boy.

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