For me, technology is a never-ending challenge. Just ask my family: poor hubby, who has to listen to me whine when I can't get the computer...or my phone...or the camera...or the printer...or the clocks, any of the clocks, which need resetting...or my watch...or the security system...working or running easily. You get the picture!
Well, my latest adventure into technology is trying to convert all the old Chronicles, back to about 2004, into a form where they can be stored and accessed in some sort of orderly fashion. My son, the guy with his Masters in Information Technology, finds it "interesting" that this is so difficult for me! I must pick his brain (again) about how to do this...and THIS TIME I'm going to do it, yes I am!
The problems are: we went to a new laptop a couple years ago, and the export of all that was on the two old desktops did not go well at all. The Chronicles, which were in email, came across as untitled documents, not in chronological order...just numbers...lots of oddly numbered documents. When I went to a blog fairly recently, that created another set of potential problems for me the technologically-challenged-one! It's a far better way to write and publish for sure...but I still have questions without obvious answers, when I try to change things up, on the blogsite, etc...and I just wish I had everything in one pot, so to speak, with all the things I've written.
For a gal who has practically just learned to cut and paste, this may be a challenge; for I have about 300+ Chronicles which need to be organized. What got me going (again) on this huge task was the anniversary of my mother's death and my desire to reprint a blog that was extra-special to me. I had to go through many of the above-mentioned "numbers" to find it. There was no other way, since I've been so tardy and inept at converting them. Frustrating to the nth!
Pat Summitt's courageous battle with Alzheimers ... and my prayer at my mother's passing...are more-than-coincidentally coming-together, in a way that only God could orchestrate. Who would have thought, 4 years ago on May 15, that the simple prayer of a grieving daughter, might be answered as a throng of loyal Lady Vol fans and folk all around the country and world who have been touched by Pat's very public voice. As an advocate for research into the cause, treatment, cure and preventive to this dreadful disease, she has brought the disease into the forefront; the articles in the local newspaper show clearly that great strides are being made and that folk need not despair as even we did just 4 years ago. New treatments are in clinical trials; folk are responding to new drugs; tests for diagnosis and early detection are promising!
Maybe by next Mother's Day, 2013, I'll have my conversions made...that's a goal anyway! Who knows: maybe I'll join Nike and "just do it!" That would be a great big "check, check" off my list. Stay tuned!
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