Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Well, another new year is here!  Time is moving on, and here we are, with 364 new days ahead of us in 2013.  What will we do with these days?  Will they be good ones?  Memorable ones?  Hard ones?  Time will tell...If I had to guess, I would imagine they will hold a little bit of everything...good, bad, happy, sad...perhaps I should "resolve" to do/be some things that might help me everyday, whether it's a good day or a bad one.

Since I'm already one of those who likes to make New Year's Resolutions,  here's what I'm thinking this second day of the new year: 

 - I know I will not be perfect in keeping my resolutions, but I do resolve to do my best and to keep each one as a priority.

 - Since there are 12 months in the year, I'm thinking I'll add a resolution-a-month; and at the end of December, I will have at least "grown" in those 12 areas.

 - I've made my list, and it came out to 14~  I guess I'll have to double up a time or two :)

 - I'm going to call my list "Fruitful Resolutions," and I don't mean apples, oranges, and bananas (although a few more of those in my diet might just be a good thing!)

I resolve in January to make PEACE a priority.  Peace:  not just the absence of dissent or discord, but that place in my heart and life where the peace of God resides.  No matter what happens, He is there; He will get  through the fire, the storm, the raging sea.  He will soothe my spirit and give me His peace which passes understanding.  His peace:  calmness, respite from tension and anxiety, a quietness and sense of acceptance and tranquility that is out-of-body, out-of-this-world, yet perfectly relavent to my other words, not because I'm trying so hard or because I've decided it will be but because I'm trusting Him for it.

Here's to PEACE:  I hope to both walk with it by day and sleep in His heavenly peace  at night.  And may it be contagious to those whom I love most and to those with  whom I share life: my husband, children, and grandson...and with our dear friends, acquaintances, and strangers alike.

In the year of our Lord 2013, may PEACE prevail, and may it begin with me.

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