Saturday, May 11, 2013


It's May, the month of goodness.  I think we all want to be good, to do good, to share goodness with others.  Sometimes that's hard.  Especially when we're hurt or distressed or in the middle of adversity.  That's when we tend to be our "real" selves.  It's been said that you can tell a lot about a person when they're under pressure or in the middle of great adversity.  I don't much like that, but it's often true.  Put a person in a pressure cooker and watch how they act.  Many times it's not a very graceful...or grace-filled...sight.  That's when the anger and short temper and selfishness often appear.  Sad but true.

So how do we be "good"  when the pressure is on?

How can we look beyond ourselves and focus on goodness?

We can be good.  We can speak goodness instead of ugly, hurtful words. We can have good attitudes instead of spiteful ones.  We can think of others instead of ourselves.  We can have our priorities straight and look out for the best interests of others.  We can speak truth in love.  We don't have to sacrifice our principles in order to keep the peace.

How?  With God's help.  Through His Spirit, we can be fruitful.  We can walk in His footsteps and be more like Him.  We can be good.

On the last page of scripture, in Revelation 22, God says, "On either side of the river is the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, producing its fruit each month..."  I was amazed at this scripture as it explains my 2013 list of "fruit,"  one for each month, as my resolutions or goals.  I had forgotten this scripture in January when I came up with my list.  Isn't God just like that, to lead us?  I'm grateful and feel confirmed in this. 

So...we now have peace, love, joy, faithfulness and hope, and are working on having goodness in our basket.  Can't wait to see what this basket (my life) will look like at the end of the year.  I'm a work in progress for sure.  Hopefully by 2014, I will be a little more like Him.

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