Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fix it, please!

My tendency is to want to fix things that are broken or in need of adjustment:  my watchband, the crooked picture on the wall, the crack in the friend's weight problem, my other friend's challenging hair, (or MY challenging hair, on rainy or humid days!)...anything to do with our adult children and things in their lives...the overgrown shrubs, weeds in the garden, rose bushes that need deadheading...problems in the world like starving children in third world countries or in our own community, illiteracy, drought or floods or other natural disasters and their consequences, neediness in so many areas...areas of the house, like the upstairs closet which still has boxes and bags from our move 3 years ago!...dust on the baseboards, dust on the ceiling fans, dust on top of the tall wall-unit..the state of the economy, declines in our society's morals and values...brokenheartedness in the lives of those who are lonely or bereaved or lost....those who are struggling spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally...

Yes, there are many things that need fixing.  Things both small and inconsequential...and great big things that are seemingly quite beyond my abilities to help or fix...yet I want to help.  The question is: how?

How do I help but not do I exert a positive influence without nosing into someone else's do I "help" but not invade someone's private space?  What is the best way to show someone I care?  How can one person enact change in the world, by standing up for their beliefs without stepping on other's toes or infringing upon their right to their own opinion?  How do I disagree agreeably, without argument or inflammation?  How do I navigate in a world that has gone the way of liberality when I'm basically a very conservative person? in a world that is so sensitive to political correctness?  How can I help someone who doesn't need or want help?  How can I help someone with a chronically ill child?  Or someone with a drug problem?  Or someone in complete denial about their situation?

Each question brings about another's a little overwhelming, isn't it.  There are no easy answers for sure.  I think maybe taking things one at a time, one day at a time, one problem or challenge at a a start.

On the homefront, being organized is a key.  I'm not too much that way, but I do like order, so I'm motivated to do that dusting and cleaning out and fixing up.  I can get out the ladder and do that top-shelf cleaning!  I can spackle and paint.  I can take advantage of the beautiful weather and spend the morning in my garden.  I can spend a day cooking and freezing things for that busy, stressful day that will rear its ugly head all too soon.  I don't have little ones to tend to...or a day job that requires 40 or more hours of my I have it easier than some/most.  It's a matter of "just doing it."

Onto the bigger questions that loom in our lives:  trying to understand, just listening, not enabling but rather offering a smile and a shoulder and a hand up.  Volunteering, spending quality time...praying, giving, going.  Doing simple things sometimes, and then again, not taking the easy way out.  Being firm in our beliefs...and with our words...yet always compassionate and kind and caring.  Not burying our heads in the sand....or looking the other way....or denying there is a problem...but just looking up to the One who is everywhere and who cares the most.  Looking out instead of inward, unless the introspection is for positive reasons...taking a step out in faith...with hope and love, always with love as the driving force.  Not taking things personally but with a look to the solution.

This is pretty weighty stuff, for sure, and sometimes just daunting, overwhelming, too stressful to even address.

But we CAN make a our own lives, in the lives of our family and those closest to us, in the lives of our neighbors, fellow church members, friends, co-workers, acquaintances in the community...those in our city, state, nation, and around the world.  We can support local or national or international charities or movements...we can vote our convictions; we can work with a favorite faith-based organization, or coach a team of children or young people; we can exercise our spiritual gifts in so many ways, whether it be teaching, or showing mercy, or encouragement, or with our musical or artisitic gifts...we can visit the sick and beareaved or imprioned; we can help by babysitting or taking a meal, we can just sit and listen and be there.  We can share of our resources...we can work in a warehouse, sorting and packing gifts or food or supplies for the underprivileged.  We can to on mission trips or pray or give to support the efforts of others who go.

Yes, lots of things need fixing...and I can't fix them all.  But I CAN make a difference.  Lord, give me the strength and the courage and the initiative to step out in faith and find ways to just do it.

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