Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Holiday Memories...

While grocery shopping today at Publix in Mary Esther, FL, for our Thanksgiving feast, I spotted some Nabisco Chocolate Wafer Cookies on the shelf.  My mind went happily back to Norris, TN, around 1953 and our house at 44 West Norris Road.  I don't so much remember eating the cookies as I do the tin can the cookies were packaged in.  It was brown with some yellow and red on it, if my memory serves me well...and it had an important job to do in the Reynolds household. 

For we had wall heat:  two coils with space inbetween, and that's where the cookie tin can into play.  There was just enough room between the coils for a cookie tin filled with water to fit.  So that's what Mother did:  filled the empty tin with water to humidify the air!  And it did.  It made our house cozy and comfortable and memorable.

It's funny how one's mind works.  With all the thousands and thousands of food items in a big store like Publix, why did mine focus on a little package of cookies?   I don't think I've ever purchased a package of those cookies...but I enjoyed so much just seeing them and the happy memories of childhood they envoked.

I often find myself reminiscing about childhood and family.  They are happy memories for the most part and are often the result of something catching my eye, like the chocolate wafer cookies.  Last night we were watching old Muppet Show episodes on Netflix, and I immediately thought of my mother and how much she loved that show.  It was just good old fun, and she laughed and laughed at all the shenanigans that went on.  The Thanksgiving season floods my memory with food-related images:  turkey and dressing, homemade cranberry sauce, gravy, homemade rolls, pumpkin pie...and the felt turkey head that was pinned to a fresh pineapple to make a cute turkey centerpiece.  And Christmas:  all the homemade candies like Turkish Delight, Divinity, fudge, Spritz cookies, pecan finger cookies, fruitcake (it was actually good!), pulled mints, stuffed dates...and our traditional Cherries Jubilee for dessert after Christmas dinner.  We never tired of the flames!  It was quite dramatic, and Mother just loved serving it.  I also fondly remember how Mother let me wrap all the presents...yes, a young child with that big responsibility!  I felt very important, being trusted with that job, and I enjoy wrapping gifts to this day.

 I could go on and on...but not to bore you, I'll stop.  Moral of story:  enjoy those memories that pretty much come out of nowhere.  Savor them.  Replay them.  It's good for the soul.  Some folks let memories at holiday time depress them; I understand.  But how much better to let them brighten your day!  It's all in attitude, I think.  What you look at is what you see.  So turn your eyes and mind to a positive mode, and enjoy your holidays.

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