Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pure Joy

Sometimes...many's just the little things in life that bring us great

- a big hug from a little guy, with sweet little arms wrapped around my legs
- giggles while playing a silly game
- excitement from the new experience of a boat ride in The Lost Sea
- Hearing "OK!"  when asking if he wants some Goldfish or Cherrios!
- Precious little voice, singing himself to sleep, with "Twinkle, twinkle little star..."
- The clean scent of Baby Magic
- A big smile of accomplishment when he buckled his own seatbelt!
- That wonderful "Amen, aMEN" after the blessing
- Grandmommy and Granddaddy's little boy, snuggling with blankie and elephant and monkey and George
- sweet!
- Mastering getting a forkful of sausage and eggs into the mouth!
- The sheer enjoyment of running and running
- Storytime, with a old, familiar book

Yes, it's the little things.  It doesn't take a lot of money or fancy doesn't involve making elaborate plans or investing much expertise or preparation.  It just involves a little time and attention and one-on-one.  Small children, in their innocence, can teach us older ones much about experiencing pure joy.  Because everything to them is fresh and new, they just savor the moment and drink it in with gusto.  They haven't yet been jaded or spoiled by the extravagances of life, and they can find joy simply and easily in the simplest of things. 

Barrett has been visiting, and it was just wonderful watching him as he experienced some "firsts."  He was fascinated by our trip to The Lost Sea in Madisonville.  We hadn't been in years, so it was fun for all of us, but especially the little guy.  He loved the cave...the big rocks...the boat ride and feeding the fish.  He talked about it all afternoon.  As we left, through the gift shop (of course!), he said goodbye to the piggies (piggy banks), the toy horses and leopards and bears...without ever expecting to take one home with him.  The nice clerk gave him a bear (for being so undemanding, I think!), and he left clutching it in his sweet little fist.  Pure joy.

Perhaps this week, we can back off a bit from our sometimes complicated lives and just experience life through the eyes of a 20 month old:  enjoy the little things; look at things through fresh, new eyes; relax and take it all in.  Maybe, just maybe, the pure delight of living and breathing and being with loved ones will allow to experience joy in its purest form.  Thank you, God, for little ones who teach us great lessons about your kingdom here on earth. 

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