Monday, September 10, 2012

Two Years Old and Counting

We took our little grandson home last Wednesday and have once again declared him "World's Best Little Traveler."  When we brought him home 11 days before, we experienced our first long road trip with him, and it went perfectly.  We were so proud of him!  Trip #2 was identical, so no fluke! 

I recently read the blog of a "friend" I've never met.  He's the son of a friend who lives in Nashville, and he was giving details of the trip-to-you-know-where.  He has a 4 1/2 year old son and 6 month old baby.  They had not gotten out of Brentwood before the older child began whining "Are we there yet?"  The return trip was even worse, to the point of taking 2 1/2 extra hours of being on the road...and having to take the baby out of the carseat just to save their sanity.  They are both attorneys and very well know the seatbelt/restraint laws but did it anyway to keep from going nuts.  He said, "Next year we'll fly or not go at all."  My complete sympathies but not from experience!

So:  I've decided the terrible two's is almost a myth.  We haven't experienced potty training yet...nor has he ever been sick...nor all-out meltdowns or tantrums.  All potential crisis situations, making for unreasonable, grumpy kiddos.  So we are blessed.  Here are some of the things we are treasuring:

- the sweet innocence of a darling little boy
- sweet kisses, right on the mouth
- hugs, just because
- that darling little voice
- l's being pronounced like w, as in "Wook!"  or as y, like "yegs" for "legs" or "Wiyy-y" for "Willy"
- independence
- gratitude, as in saying "thank you" for every little thing
- learning:  The pledge to the flag, verbatim....and now, The Lord's Prayer (a work still in progress)
- a love for books and reading.  We often find him sitting in his big rocker, reading to himself - or at least looking at the pictures
- his love for all-things transportation, boats, trucks, choo choos, planes
-the wonder of a new experience, like the lake, drive-through zoo (Circle G) - if you haven't experienced it, you MUST.  Or anything out of the ordinary to the child.  Hearing those happy squeals is just so neat!
- seeing him experience a "class" for the first time, as in Sunday School.  Seeing him sitting on the edge of that tiny chair, responding to questions and asking for another Bible story...priceless

I could go on and on, but I'll spare you.  And I imagine our family will have its fair share of "terribleness" at one time or another.  But for now, we'll celebrate all the positives of being 2 1/2!

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