Saturday, September 22, 2012

This 'n' That

Lots of thoughts are meandering through my mind this morning: 

-my upcoming trip to my brother and sister-in-law's, then on to our son's to babysit...and all the preparations to be made for such a fun trip!
-the beautiful fall weather we are have to love the four seasons of East Tennessee
-sad news of friends and relatives and strangers alike:  the birth and death of conjoined twin girls near Chicago...the mother-in-law of a former neighbor in the fight for her life...the ongoing battle against cancer in a young friend...the good news of actual cures for several kinds of cancer; thank you, God!
-wonderful visit from a young friend
-today, what would have been my daddy's 94th can that be?
-trying to make sense of a strange turn of events
-pondering a life-long goal
-wondering why I try to figure out WHY people do such strange things
-gratitude for such a great husband and partner and friend

Yes, one could spend ALL their time wondering how...and why...and still probably not get many answers.  There's something about human behavior and sometimes just happenstance that keep us thinking.  Thankfully, we don't have to figure it all out.  We can find our peace most times by just running these things through our minds, then giving them over to the One who does know, and going on from there.  We can also accentuate the positive and trust Him with the big things over which we have little control.  We can count on friends and family and those closest to us to brighten our days and to keep things in perspective.

There will always tragedies, heartaches, disease, death.  We'll not ever figure out all the bad things in life.  But we can trust that all things work for good, for those who love God and who are called according to His purposes. 

And...we can get out and enjoy His beautiful world:  the cool mornings and evenings...the bright sun and shadows of an autumn cider...a fire in the fireplace as the sun goes down...a trip through the mountains...soon, the leaves turning and gracing the coves and valleys and ridges with shades of every color in the rainbow.

Yes, there will be ups and downs and happiness and heartaches...just a part of life.  What will I do with these?  Just roll with the punches and praise Him for life and breath; share of our bounty with those in need; be salt and light to a weary world.

I'll keep on pondering and wondering but also trusting with a faith that keeps on keeping on.  Here's to a beautiful weekend to one and all.

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