Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rainy Mondays...Sunny Tuesdays

I know you know how it feels:  waking up to the sounds of a gentle rain, mixed with intermittent down-pours and some thunder.  Not sad...not mad...just blah.  In addition, it's Monday, and the big smile is just not there.  You try the positive thought-thing and feel a little better.  But still the energy just isn't happening.  There seems to be a low-lying cloud hanging overhead.

Tea/coffee helps some...and a good breakfast.  Still, you just can't seem to get going and find that giddy-up-and-go.

That was I yesterday.  Thankfully, it mostly passed, and I did eventually get almost back on-track.  My little buddy Barrett helped.  Who can be out of sorts with a sweet little guy needing you to play choo choos...or cars...or read a fun story...or watch Dora with him.

Still, "rainy and days and Mondays always... or sometimes...get you down.

Today was a different day.  I woke up early.  I apologized to someone (online) to whom I needed to ask forgiveness.  And it happened:   peace!  rest!  renewal!  It's funny how freeing and cleansing doing the right thing is.  The cloud lifted, I felt better, physically and certainly mentally and spiritually.  Having burdens, resentments, hard-feelings  can strip you of your joy and just downright burden a person.

We had a neighbor, over 35 years ago, who carried a piece of paper in his shirt pocket.  He had dozens of names on it, and he crossed off the names as he made apology to someone he had wronged as he made things right with them.  As he told me about this list, he said it went back years and years...everyone whom he had spoken badly of/to...people he had hurt in any way...people he had cheated or lied to, etc.  He was in the midst of a transformation...and he was a new man!  Free, clean, brand spanking new!

So my challenge to you, this sunny Tuesday, is to make things right.  With yourself, with others, with God.  And experience the peace which passes all understanding.  It's well worth the effort!

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