Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Shhh! Quiet time...

For many years I tried, really tried, to establish a pattern for my quiet time with God.  I tried journaling, with no real success; surprising, as I love to write...but it just wasn't effective nor satisfying.  I tried reading the Bible through, and it just turned into something rather rote and uninspiring, although I did get some knowledge from the experience.  I tried using The Book of Common Prayer and several hymnals...interesting and a good experience, but still not what I was looking for.

Then this fall, I was shown a devotion book that was written in first person God.  It really spoke to me!  So I got a blank book (actually, I had one that a dear daughter had given me :) and began my journey into reading a devotion and the Bible and writing down what it was saying to ME!  It has been so awesome.  I start out with Max Lucado's Grace for the Moment...then move onto my journal...then use a tiny little picture album of mostly family, where I pray for each one using the theme of the devotional to start with.  For example, if the topic is God's Grace, then I pray for God's grace to be upon my husband, our children, our grandchild, etc. Then I go onto my Bible reading and end up with my favorite online devotion:  d365.  It has turned out to be so rewarding.  I am reaping blessings galore with this quiet time with the Lord. 

One day, I'll look back at my now not-blank book, with my journaling from 2013, and remember with gratitude a time in my life when one of my greatest pleasures began.  This has been a long time coming, and I am enjoying it immensely, looking forward to the early morning and my special time alone with God.  It sets the stage for my day.  It is more-than-coincidentally just what I need each and every day.

So I'll just praise God for showing me the way and pass what is working for me to you, my reader friends.   And I say better late than never in finding my way into this wonderful, quiet encounter that is enriching my life so very much.

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