Thursday, March 14, 2013

Something to REALLY think about...

Next time any of us lapses into a personal pity party, we might want to think about counting our blessings.  It's part of our human nature, I know, to wish things that are unpleasant would go away...that our lives would be void of unpleasantness of any kind...that happiness would get here and stay.

But reality tells us that this is NOT real.  Life is full of disappointment, unrealized dreams, far-from-fairy tale endings.  It's a journey, for sure.  And hard at times.  I understand that, for others and for us.

But you know, there are those in our lives or in our circle of friends that REALLY have it tough.  A young woman we know - our son's age - who is in a situation that truly is heartrending.  Her baby was born with multiple challenges and has been in the hospital since his birth in November.  He very well may celebrate his first birthday there.  She spends most of her time there, with occasional trips to Knoxville to be with her husband and kindergartener.  You can only imagine what the hospital bill is.  You can only imagine how stressed she and her family must be, with a critically ill child, separation, finances, etc.  Yet she has the greatest faith and expressions of it I have ever seen.  It is truly humbling to read her blogs on being in church.  It is inspiring and uplifting and worshipful.

I am so proud of her.  She has captured my heart and put my life and its ups and down into perspective.  Not only do I count my blessings more...but I truly empathize and see my life and things in it so much more clearly.

A person can have joy in his/her life, even in the midst of very hard circumstances.  If a person has a personal relationship with Christ...if they can trust and hope and believe in God's presence in their life, if they have given their hurts and challenges and circumstances to Him, then they can truly face the future with true hope and faith.  It makes all the difference in their outlook.  It's the calm within the storm, the peace that passes understanding. 

So, let's get outside ourselves and think of others who have it so much worse in their situations.  Let's learn from those who are trusting and leaving it to God and who inspire us with His hope.  Thinking of others first not only helps them but puts our own problems into perspective.  Thank you, God, for lessons learned.  May you keep our friends in your care and heal their child.  Care for them in ways You alone can...and may we give of ourselves to them, being Your hands and feet on this earth, Your servants, sharing of ourselves with them.  It can only lessen their stress, increase their joy, and bring glory to You.

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