Thursday, April 11, 2013

Faithfulness and Hope

Well, we are almost half-way through April and need to touch on our fruit basket for 2013.  We started in January with peace, followed by love in February, and joy in March.  The words for April are "faithfulness" and "hope." 

When making resolutions for this year, I felt led to focus on Fruit of the Spirit.  My thinking was this:  if I can focus on His Spirit and what He leads me to do in my life, I'll certainly have a pretty good year.  Not necessarily in things going like I want them to...or in realizing my dreams...or in winning the lottery, etc.  But in how I cope with things...and how my outlook on things can influence my thoughts, words, and deeds.

So far, so good!  We have certainly had challenges this year.  And I'm still above water!  I have to think that leaning hard on God, being in touch with Him through His spirit, and thanking Him daily for our many blessings has contributed to that fact.  Not that I haven't had my "moments."  I certainly have, when I lose my focus, have a pity party, or fall into worry and negative thinking.  But for the most part, I have felt close to God and in His keeping.

This month, I hope to remain faithful and to have hope for our future.  The two certainly go hand in hand, don't they.  He will be faithful to us!  He will never leave us nor forsake us.  In Him is our hope.  Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness.  He is the hope of our world and our hope as we follow Him.   

So, here's to a month of celebrating faithfulness:  His and mine.  Here's to hope for today and for tomorrow.  Though dark clouds may hover, though we get thunder and lightning in our lives, though we have fire to walk through and very high tides and deep rivers to ford, we can nonetheless depend on our heavenly father to strengthen us, to sustain us, to keep us under the protection of His mighty wings.

If He is fully faithful and full of  hope, then we can be, as well.

So, April, here we are.  Peace, love, joy, faithfulness and hope.  Quite a lot of treasured fruit, ours for the partaking.  You are the Creator and Provider.  Thank you for sharing this fruit.  It's just exactly what we need, and we thank you.

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