Friday, December 30, 2011

Seeing Red

It happened again:  the merging onto 640W from Broadway...and for the same reason:  that sign that says "Yield."  I often wonder what's so hard about understanding what that word means!  The little red apparently in a BIG hurry because after all the jestering and yelling were done, he roared past me in a blur and was out of sight within seconds.  Hope he got there safely! 

On down the interstate about 2 miles, I saw red again, this time in the form of an 18-wheel rig.  He had gotten himself into a lane that was running out, and I happened to be in his way in the far right lane of the three-lane highway; and I was already running slightly above the speed limit.  So, he lay down on his horn and didn't understand why I didn't immediately shift lanes to let him in.  Sorry, guy.  No room.  He did manage to merge behind me, then roared past with some ugly gestures pointed my way...must have forgotten his manners!

I wasn't going to let these two unhappy drivers ruin my day, though!  No sirree!  I had on my trusty red Born shoes, and I was on a fun shopping trip.  I went to a few of my favorite haunts and found some good stuff, not doing too much damage $$$-wise!  One sad note:  I shopped for some spring things for Barrett in the size 2-7 department, not in infants...SAD :(  He's supposed to be little for a while longer, for E-mommy to love on.

When I got home, I unboxed a new item Santa John had gotten me for Christmas:  a big, beautiful red mixer.  I have used my mother's ancient one for years and thoroughly enjoyed it.  But it was on its last legs, and I've needed a new one for a while.  I can't wait to try it out with bread dough, cake batter, etc.  It even makes ice cream and pasta!  Thank you, Santa :)

Lastly, I enjoyed a mani and pedi with my new red OPI nailpolish "Chick Flick Cherry."  Cindy brought it to me because it reminded her of her grandmother's favorite shade.  Mother was a stickler for painted nails, and red was definitely her choice of color.  Love those sweet memories.  My nails look good, even only for a minute.  I'm notorious for messing up newly painted nails.  Thanks, Cindy!

Seeing red isn't always bad!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

PS to Postscript

Just for the record, I believe our pastor said Mary and Joseph were "ordinary," not "unimportant."  Wouldn't want to misquote the good pastor! :)


Our pastor told the congregation about a picture of the nativity he saw, with captions...the shepherds were labeled "unclean;"  the wisemen "foreigners;" Mary and Joseph "unimportant."  He asked the question, "What would we be called, if we were present?"

My mind immediately went back to my blog about "Prominent."  It, in a strange kind of way, made my point.  We THINK we know about the thoughts of God, as well as the labels we put on people.  We think of anyone different as "foreign."  We consider certain occupations as "unclean."  We rank people according to our own standards.

I imagine the nativity is just about the perfect example of our misunderstanding of folks.  Because the people of Bible times were expecting a savior who would rule in a militaristic and kingly way, they didn't recognize the infant Jesus...because shepherds were second-class citizens, they were unlikely as the heralds of the coming of the Messiah...because the entire story, beginning with the immaculate conception, was not what they were expecting...nor understandable in any way...the nativity was full of new concepts and unbelievable players.

Perhaps it's good that we look back at these labels and misconceptions and learn from them.  For we, in 2011, tend to be doubters and labelers and rankers.  Perhaps in 2012, we can loosen our chains and look at others in a more welcoming way.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone could just love first and forego ranking of others?  If we root for the underdog and put away our pharisee-like ways, what a loving place we could create...a place where those from all walks and all social strata could feel at home. we finish up this year and move toward the next, let's join together to be a loving, welcoming community where noone is more important than the other.  It's a freeing attitude and certain to honor the Christ whom we love and serve.  Let's make 2012 the best year EVER!

Thursday, December 22, 2011


I've been thinking about something I heard in a recent conversation about acceptance, loving-kindness, expressions of grace.  The other person mentioned "one of the most prominent families in our church," not by name but by act.  It was meant as a compliment to that family, a sincere expression of respect.  I understood that.

But it made me think:  what is "prominent" in the eyes of God?  Is it a person or family who is the most active?  The ones who do the most?  The ones who are chairmen of the big committees?  The ones who help make the important decisions?  The teachers or deacons? 

Does God "rank" His children?  Does he have a "first place" and then on down the ladder?

I sometimes think we have figured out how God thinks...but I, for one, KNOW that I haven't...we see dimly for now.  Perhaps one day we'll have the chance to ask God face-to-face about His thoughts.  But for now, we can just search His word and try to glean from them what He thinks.  I'm all ears from our pastors and teachers and from those learned-ones; I want to know more and to figure things understand more deeply, to think and talk and act maturely.

When I think about "prominence," I think of random acts of kindness; deeds done quietly and humbly; people who aren't in it for name-recognition in capital letters in the headlines...Indians rather than chiefs...those secret saints who just go about doing good for the sake of goodness and to honor God rather than to receive accolades from those around them.  For we can receive blessings today, from people on earth and probably from God, as well...or we can do those kind deeds without thought of ourselves and perhaps receive jewels for the crowns we will leave at the feet of Jesus...and His blessings and rewards someday in heaven.

There are, indeed, folks whom I highly esteem...those whom I love and admire and respect greatly.  There are those precious seniors whom I emulate and whose standards I yearn to mimick.  And I do hope to mentor those younger than I and to at least be a good example to those around me.  But "prominent?"  I'm not sure that's a word I think we need to use in referring to the families of God.  It just seems to be a little too presumptive to me.  I understand the intent...but I just think there's too much we don't understand and too many folks who go by unnoticed because of their desire to silently and anonymously serve God in their own way.

We are all God's children so may we all treat everyone with the love and respect that Jesus showed.   It would be a great Christmas gift to give and one that will honor both fellow-Christian and Christ alike.  No ranks in the army of Christ...just loving mutual respect :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Thoughts...

It's early morning, and I'm looking out the window at a beautiful, sunny December day.  It's oddly...and wonderfully...warm, for this time of year; and we look forward to some yard work and a walk later on today.  With most everything done as far as decorating and shopping done, it's just too pretty to stay indoors on a day like this!  I see a lone Gerber Daisy blooming, along with the last of the Knockout Roses...just a few colorful blooms hanging on...kind of appropriate with our warm late-fall days!  I'm thankful for this mild weather, as we will have some bitter ones ahead, I'm sure. 

We have had a calm and peaceful holiday season so far...full of festive and fun activities...and meaningful as well.  We got it started early with a trip to a fully decorated Biltmore House with our friends the Metcalfs.  We hadn't been at Christmas in years, and it was a treat for sure.  Absolutely gorgeous.  Then there was a Lions Club party, complete with caroling and a delicious meal...and a Sunday School get-together with the most delicious spread of potluck dishes you've ever tasted.  Honestly, those ladies can COOK!  Then there was a Christmas contata at a local sister church where our friends are members...thank you for inviting us!  It was just beautiful...very talented musicians.  Then the Nativity Pageant, the 43rd year of production.  We were there 43 years ago, when there was no elaborate set and costumes.  It was held on the parking lot of the Coliseum...a cold night but so memorable.  It's a must-see for us each of our very favorites. 

Our church's ToyStore helped over 200 families yesterday, and it was so rewarding.  To help families and children who might not otherwise get to experience opening presents and getting toys on Christmas morning without our help is what it's all about:  sharing the love of Christ, helping in His name.  Add to that  other opportunities like Mission of Hope, Angel Tree, Toys for Tots, Operation Christmas Child, and ringing bells for the Salvation Army and you have examples of giving that are so meaningful, to both giver and receiver alike.

Now we have a long-anticipated trip to see our daughter and share in her joy of accomplishment in graduating with her MBA...and a concert to hear Handel's Messiah with the Nashville Symphony Orchestra.  We'll eat at a few of our favorite places and maybe take in the sights at the Opryland worship at her church.  Hopefully, we'll get home in time to participate in the neighborhood ladies' tea and our church's Christmas cantata...two more traditions that we treasure. 

Yes, it's a busy and wonderful time of year, as we move through Advent and towards that blessed Christmas morn.  Thank you, Lord, for your Christmas blessings. May they be shared and divided and multiplied...then maintained throughout the coming new year.  And may You be honored and exalted on Your birthday by all we say and do. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Just the simple things...

This year there will be just the three of us here for Christmas.  We alternate holidays with the Florida Heatherlys, and last year was "ours" at I decided to simplify things a bit, especially decorating-wise, and I'm kind of enjoying it!  Like most of you, we have way more decorations than we really need to bring out...ornaments from 42 years of marriage, lots of homemade ones from our grown children's childhoods, the Santa collection, dishes and plates and trays and mugs galore, several small trees, lots of Christmas do-dads, etc.  I just left them in their resting places in the attic and brought out the manger scene, wreaths, stockings, Daddy's Scandanavian revolving nativity...and of course the tree!  It's a new one this year and just beautiful...and the lights work!  Yea!  We put garland on the staircase and balcony rails for the first time, and they look so pretty!  That's about it...and I LIKE it.

There's something peaceful about simplicity.  It is freeing and refreshing.  And it'll be so simple to dismantle, after the holidays.  I like to leave everything up til January 6...Epiphany...Old Christmas.  That's what we did when I was a child, and it makes me happy to do it that way.  We'll see!

I'm finished with the Christmas cards, and that's a good feeling.  We LOVE hearing from family and friends and seeing the pictures and readying the notes.  Part of what makes Christmas so special is the ties with friends from all around...catching up, remembering old times, keeping in touch with friends we see and those we don''s a warm-fuzzy for sure!

I need to do more shopping and then shipping...then maybe I can bake some or make some candy from Mother's old timely recipes.  She was a master of Christmas treats, and I miss helping her with that task...and sampling all the yummy things that she created and loved sharing so much. 

Yes, simplifying decorating and buying is just enhancing this beautiful time of year and allowing us to focus on the real meaning of the season:  sharing with the less fortunate, enjoying family and friends, relaxing in front of the tree, having friends over, enjoying music and carols, contributing to our favorite charities and causes...I think perhaps simplicity best honors the One whose birthday we celebrate. 

Don't you? 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Little Reminders

They are just little things, little reminders...and I love looking at them.  It seems a little silly, I know, but they bring me comfort and joy.  I probably would not have admitted keeping such in past times.  I would have kept my little reminders to myself.  But somehow "grandmotherhood" has freed me up to not only admit it but to embrace these little things with a great big smile.

Here it is:  we just got back from a wonderful Thanksgiving trip to sunny Florida where we spent 8 great days with little Barrett and his parents and Aunt Cindy.  Barrett is 21 months old now, and to say he is the light of our lives is the understatement of the year.  He is bright and happy and healthy...inquisitive, energetic, loving, sweet...and all boy!  As in throwing things, chasing the dog, making messes, etc. 

He rode with us several times over the week and of course had his traveling snacks with him...Cheerios and Goldfish.  They make the drive easier on everyone, as he happily snacks along the way.  So when we got home and were unpacking the car, we found one...a single little Cheerio that had been left behind in the cleanup.  It just made me smile, that little reminder of a precious child whom we love so much.  I pointed it out to John, and immediately he smiled, too!  So I said, "I'm keeping that one!"  And I did.

My other favorite reminder is a little giraffe that was actually my husband's baby toy.  His mother gave it to me when Johnny was a baby.  I treasure it because it has withstood time and was special to the Heatherlys.  I brought it out when Barrett was here a few weeks back, to entertain him in the bathtub.  When they left, I just left it out on my tub, and I enjoy looking at it everyday.  Just a little reminder of understand!

So, I'll just keep on enjoying my little reminders.  Proudly and unashamably, I will smile as I look at my little treasures.