Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day

This being Memorial Day, I am in "memory mode"... memories of days gone by, 
memories of people gone by, memories of sacrifices made by those who paid for our freedom
with their lives...or limbs...or peace of mind.

I'm also thinking of those gone too soon:  babies, children, young people,
young adults or those middle aged ones who had so much to offer,
so many who loved them, so much more to do and contribute.
And those who had lived good, long lives but whose bodies just wore out...
or succumbed to disease or accident.

I'm thinking of those serving their country and its citizens in present times:
here, there, everywhere around the globe,
keeping our lands and seas and skies safe.

Those brave ones who served in the past, from the World Wars, in Europe,
the South Pacific, 
to Korea, Vietnam, the Middle East...
We cannot imagine what dangers they faced,
what horrors they endured,
the scars, both physical and emotional, they wear.

I'm thinking of "the good ole days"...
days when possessions were was short...but life was simpler.
...when going barefoot, playing hiding-go-seek in the dark, 
laying on your back in the cool evening grass, wishing upon a star,
climbing trees and picking strawberries and swimming in the pond...
rock-hopping in the cool mountain streams,
or digging to China, playing house or dolls or shooting cap guns
...was the best form of free entertainment.

Birthday parties consisted of cupcakes at the picnic table, with party hats...
Vacations were long road trips, in an unairconditioned car,
caravaning with other family members...
buying canteloupe on the roadside for 5 cents each!
Arriving in time for a quick run down to the beach 
before sitting down to a tomato sandwich on squishy white bread,
slathered with mayonnaise and salt and pepper...
having to put Fizzies in the foul-tasting sulphur water that plaqued the beach communities,
to make it palatable...
going to the ice house for huge blocks of ice to keep our groceries cool,
as the old Victorian beachhouse 'fridge just couldn't accommodate all
the food needed by the 20 something family members there for the week.
Those memories are precious and priceless.

Fast-forward to this day and age of electronics, instant communication,
Facebook and Twitter and Instagram...
of so many gadgets and passwords and stuff to learn and keep-up with...
It's not's not all's just not simple,
especially when you hit senior-citizen status 
and really like simplicity and quiet times and some of the qualities
that seem to have gone-by-the-wayside 
as technology and advances are made that are really wonderful
but rather complicating at the same time.

So, I'll just keep on remembering today, 
those who have gone on...those fun times of childhood and youth,
those who have fought and died,
the years of early marriage and parenthood and of all the lessons
learned plus a few times a good do-over might have been appropriate!

And I'll cherish those memories, adding to them with precious memories
in the making...of adult children with so much wisdom and so much to offer,
of grandchildren with their eyes aglow, their boundless energy, 
their faith-in-the-making and endless questions that help them learn...
their sweet smiles and vast ability to laugh and live and love...

Happy Memorial Day, friends
Enjoy your day and savor your memories,
while being ever-so-grateful to those
who have contributed to our freedoms and to our welfare.
We are because of them:.
Many are gone but are certainly not forgotten.
To those still here, THANK YOU!